Do you have habits that hold you back from
living into your greatness?
It may be as simple as biting your nails,
buying expensive lattes every day or as
significant as procrastinating, overeating
or smoking.
No matter what habits you have, Here's one
thing that can help eliminate bad habits
for good.
Think about WHY you should stop.
You've probably heard time and time again
that when your "why " is big enough,
you'll find the "hows".
A few years ago I was fighting with some
health challenges that forced me to change
my diet.
Although I knew some of the foods I was eating
weren't good for me, they were never 'life-
threatening'...or so I thought.
I had to face a stark reality that if I
kept doing what I was doing...I wouldn't
be doing it much longer.
That was a huge 'why' if I ever needed one.
And my "hows" became very apparent.
And here I am, at a youthful 66 years
young still spreading my message across
the world.
Maybe the habits you're trying to overcome
aren't life threatening...maybe they are,
but I want to ask you to dig deep inside
yourself and find the bigger 'why' to
change that habit.
What is your "why"?
Is it your children?
Your Spouse?
Your health?
Your life?
Find that "why" and the "hows" will take
care of themselves.
To Your Greatness,
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